Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas Pictures

I thought I would share a couple of pictures from Christmas with all of you.  This first picture is of 5 of my grandkids in front of our Christmas tree.  Unfortunately, our other grandchildren live out of state, so we did not get to see them.
This next picture is not a very good one, but I had to share it!!  This is spoiled dog #3, Ginger. 
She loves to sit in the sun!!  I wish I could have gotten a picture of my other 2 spoiled girls, but they don't sit still long enough to get a picture, unless they are sleeping in my lap!!

 This last picture is spoiled dog #4!!  My beautiful grandpuppy, Luta!!  What a great picture!!
I hope all my crafty friends had as great a christmas as I did!!


  1. Great pictures.....8 Grandchildren...Oh my gosh, you are a lucky lady:) It's too bad they couldn't all be home for Christmas. Thanks for sharing-hope you had a wonderful Christmas!
    Sherrie K

  2. Very beautiful grandchildren. I didn't get to see any of my 8 this year for Christmas. :( And I love your spoiled dog photos, reminds me of my little spoiled one, Winnie, the poodle, as my youngest granddaughter calls her. Hope you had a Merry Christmas.


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